
Each year Sandridge Parish Council calculates how much money it requires to provide its services or achieve any planned projects. This sum, called the precept, is collected by St Albans District Council as part of a household’s council tax. Sandridge Parish Council does not receive any money from central government.

In order to comply with the Accounts and Audit Regulations and associated documents, the Parish Council is required to publish certain information.

The Local Audit & Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015 set out the responsibilities of all local councils in respect of their accounting and auditing procedures.

Each year, the Council’s financial accounts and statements must be examined by an independent internal auditor appointed by the Council.

Our statutory accounts are produced in the form of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) which is subject to a Limited Assurance Audit by PKF Littlejohn LLP, 1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4HD.

The Clerk is the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) and accountable for all financial records of the Council and the proper administration of its finances, as well as:

  • Managing the affairs to secure economic, efficient and effective use of resources and safeguarding its assets
  • Approving the Annual Governance and Accountability Return
  • Approving the Statement of Accounts.


Sandridge Parish Council's Financial Regulations

Click here to see the latest Financial Regulations

 Sandridge Parish Council's Treasury and Investment Policy

View Sandridge Parish Council's Treasury and Investment Policy

 Annual Accounts & Asset Register

To view the Statement of Accounts for Sandridge Parish Council, please click on the links below:

Statement of Accounts - Year ended 31st March 2022
Statement of Accounts - Year ended 31st March 2021
Statement of Accounts - Year ended 31st March 2020
Statement of Accounts - Year ended 31st March 2019
Statement of Accounts - Year ended 31st March 2018
Statement of Accounts - Year ended 31st March 2017
Statement of Accounts - Year ended 31st March 2016


Internal Audit Report year ended 31st March 2024

 View the year end 2024 Internal Audit Report


Audit and Annual Return for yr end 31st March 2022

 View the 2021/22 AGAR and External Audit Report and Notice of Conclusion of Audit

 View the year end 2022 Internal Audit Report


Audit and Annual Return for yr end 31st March 2023

 View the Notice of Conclusion of Audit and the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023

 View the year end Internal Audit Report 2023 


The Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the previous 5 years to 2017 are available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Sandridge Council on application to the Parish Clerk:


 View the Asset Register for Sandridge Parish Council


Monthly Accounts including all payments over £100 (from May 2024) and grant payments


      Jan 2024 to Dec 2024