Neighbourhood News Magazine

7 WINTER 2023 W inter can leave us feeling a little blue during the long dark evenings; but not here at Marshalswick Library. Along with libraries across Hertfordshire, we have decided to brighten up your winter with a wonderful reading challenge for all ages. Winter Reads launched on Saturday 4 th November 2023, !nishing on Saturday 24 th February 2024 – and it is easy to join in. Come along to see us and ask for your Winter Read Challenges card. Simply choose your challenges from our list, available in the library or to view online ( ), including: 1. Attend any library event. 2. Read or listen to a book on Borrow Box. 3. Read a di!erent genre to what you are used to. 4. Read a prize-winning book. 5. Read a non-"ction book. 6. Choose a book recommended by a member of sta! or a volunteer.… 7. Wild card! Create your own challenge. Choose 12 challenges over the 3-month period, come to the library and we will stamp your card each time you have successfully completed one. Once you have completed your chosen challenges, return your card and we will enter you into a prize draw, including the chance to win an iPad. Winter Reads is free to join and all you need is your own library card. If you do not have one, do not worry, they are easy to set up and library membership is also free. Home Library Service Winter can be di"cult for those less mobile. If you are unable to get to the library (or have caring responsibilities and little time), we have DBS checked Home Library Service volunteers who will select books for you. They will arrange a time to deliver them to your home (having discussed what you like to read) and then agree when to pick them up. This is a great service which ensures all our customers always have access to books. If you are interested in this service, please see our Marshalswick library page on for more details. To see all the latest activities, dates and support available at Marshalswick Library, please come in and say hello, or follow us on Facebook by searching for Marshalswick Library and liking our page.