Neighbourhood News Magazine

5 WINTER 2023 T he Vineyard Church FEED emergency food bank in St. Albans has sent out an appeal to the local community. With Christmas fast approaching, the food bank would be very grateful to receive donations of any of the following please: • Advent calendars • Boxes of chocolates (large and small) • Boxes of biscuits (large and small) • Sharing bags of crisps (vegetarian) • Boxes of cheese crackers (large and small) • Packs of sweets • Stu!ng mix • Bottles of Shloer • Gravy granules • Christmas crackers • Alcohol-free mince pies (Minimum date 25.12.23) • Alcohol-free Christmas puddings/Yule logs • Chocolate coins • Christmas gi" shop items (new toys only please) The FEED food bank began in 2008, starting with members of the St. Albans Vineyard Church gathering food and essential items to give away to wherever it was needed in the local community. FEED grew into a much needed and popular ministry, partnering with over a hundred local churches, schools, businesses, charities and organisations, to provide thousands of people within the district who are living in poverty, with food and essential items. Other Vineyard ministries grew alongside, like KIT and REFUEL, under the Care Centre umbrella. Care Centre Everyone is welcome to visit the Care Centre on a Monday morning, 10am-12pm. Our Care Centre team are available for a chat and to o!er support and advice to anyone who walks through our door. We host lots of services and events, including a welcoming morning café, serving food completely free of charge to anyone, and live musicians and other exciting rooms to join, like our Alpha sessions or creative workshops. The following drop-in clinics are also available for anyone to access, as and when they need to: • Debt Management: Members of the team from Christians Against Poverty (CAP) are still here every Monday to provide free debt advice. Many people think the "nancial challenges they face are impossible to overcome, but there is hope, and CAP will help you to "nd the best solution. • Housing Advice: We can help connect you with St. Albans City and District Council for free advice about how to access housing bene"t or housing options around homelessness. We are currently running these over the phone/zoom; just ask a Care Centre team member for this support. • Family Lawyer: Local solicitors Duncan Lewis, who specialise in family and childcare related matters, are available to give free legal advice every third Monday of the month. • Family Support: Local Sopwell Family Centre are here once every last Monday of the month to o!er family advice and support to anyone who would like it. • Mental Health: The last Monday of the month, Mind in Mid-Herts charity is at the Care Centre to provide prevention, recovery and support services that will help you to regain and retain control of your mental health. The Vineyard Church St. Albans, 7 Brick Knoll Park, St. Albans, AL1 5UG 01727 812 765 o !