Neighbourhood News Magazine

45 WINTER 2023 A question I have o!en been asked since being appointed in 2017 is “What does the Lord-Lieutenant do?" The Lord-Lieutenant serves as His Majesty's Representative in Hertfordshire. I also host Members of the Royal Family when they visit the County. The role has been in existence since the 1540s and continues to be of great importance today. I actively encourage voluntary service, fostering a sense of community that includes everyone, regardless of background, ethnicity, or religion as well as supporting the commercial, community and social life of Hertfordshire. Honours I validate nominations for national honours and awards and present honours and awards on behalf of His Majesty, including British Empire Medals, 100 th Birthday Cards, and supporting the King's Award for Enterprise and the King's Award for Voluntary Service. I also nominate people for Royal Garden Parties, recognising the great work undertaken by so many in Hertfordshire. I support our Armed Forces and their Cadet Forces, as well as being President of The East Anglian Reserve Forces and Cadets Association. Remembrance Services are a solemn reminder of the sacri"ces made for us by so many. I do not do this alone. I have a Vice Lord- Lieutenant and a number of Deputy Lieutenants to assist me. One of the roles that we undertake is the swearing in of new British citizens who have decided to settle here in Hertfordshire. Our website provides a wealth of information about The King, the Royal Family and the activities undertaken by the Lieutenancy. I’m also on X (Twitter) @hertslieutenant . So, next time you hear someone say, “what does the Lord-Lieutenant do?” I hope that you will be able to give them a little bit of an insight into what I and my team gets up to. A message from Robert Voss CBE CStJ Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire “What does the Lord- Lieutenant do?"