Neighbourhood News Magazine

43 WINTER 2023 I t has been a busy few months for Marshalswick North Residents’ Association. We held our Annual General Meeting in October, which, together with the formal meeting, included a chat from our friendly local PCSO Chris Stokes. He was able to provide an update on policing matters a!ecting our local area, which continues to be a low crime area. You may be aware that a further application for a large sand and gravel quarry to be excavated at the rear of Notcutts nursery had been submitted. This would operate for over 30 years and would progressively work across the Ellenbrook Fields until it reached the rear of Notcutts. MNRA has supported other local residents’ associations and local councils in opposing this further massive quarry on our doorstep. We are very pleased to con"rm that, following intense local pressure, the application was rejected by Hertfordshire County Council at the end of October. Oaklands Following the sudden and unannounced closure of the very popular walking and cycling routes over the Oaklands College site, our Chair had a meeting with the management of Oaklands College and expressed the outrage of the local community at the arbitrary closures. Despite having planned the closure many months ago, the College had given no notice of this to local residents and had not provided any safe alternative routes. In fact, at the time of writing, there is still no safe alternative route from Sandpit Lane to Hat"eld Road. The promised ‘woodland’ diversion is still some way from completion. Although the College claims the closures are due to the proximity of building works, MNRA believes that alternative routes through the College building complex could be provided, which would keep this important public access route open. We will be pressing Hertfordshire County Council Highways Department to withdraw permission for the closure of North and South Drives and not to allow an extension of the current closure order. Please follow our Facebook page for updated information on this issue. Our future meetings in the New Year include a talk about the history of Marshalswick from the writer of the blog ‘St. Alban’s East End’, and a talk from a member of our new Hong Kong community. If you are interested in joining MNRA, please scan the QR code or email Addressing local issues Marshalswick North Residents’ Association