Neighbourhood News Magazine

41 WINTER 2023 C hris has been one of our local groundsmen for thirteen years. We caught up with him to say thanks for his litter picking e!orts and to share some of his thoughts on the role. If you see Chris out and about, do say hello. Q. What do you enjoy most about your job? A. It pays the bills! There's a lot of variety and it keeps me healthy and "t. I enjoy meeting new people and chatting to regulars. Q. ….and least? A. Broken glass! Plus the job has to be done in all conditions so you've got to be prepared to just get on with it, whatever the weather. Q. What's the strangest thing you've ever picked up? A. I've found a lot of mobile phones, including two brand new ones, several watches including a Rolex, and piles of school uniform. I've also found a valuable ring and quite a lot of cash over the years! Q. Do you welcome the changing seasons? A. I've become acclimatised to the weather over the years. If there's heavy snow, I'll usually walk between jobs instead. Q. Your role is very much valued by the community. How does that make you feel? A. I really appreciate the positive feedback I receive. I once even received a Christmas lunch from a member of the public when I was litter picking on Christmas Day! Q. Do you think we're becoming less of a 'throwaway society'? A. Sadly no – I see the same quantities of plastic, glass and cans as ever before. Q. Does the job ever feel lonely? A. No, I meet people when I'm working and receive positive comments from members of the public and good support from the o#ce team at John O'Conner. Working alone means I can go at my own pace. Meet your local groundsman Chris Newman (John O’Conner Ltd)