Neighbourhood News Magazine

39 WINTER 2023 T he winter edition of Neighbourhood News can only mean one thing for the local churches – time to get ready for our Christmas services! It is such an important time for all Christians and, at St. Mary’s, we’re looking forward to welcoming both new and known faces to our special services of the season. Festivities always feel like they have kicked o! with our annual concert with the Fayrfax Consort , this year on 13 th December , with stories, poetry and beautiful music. Please note, you need to book tickets in advance for this one, and it o"en sells out. Services For church services, we have Green Grace , our outdoor service, on Saturday 16 th December at 3pm . Wrap up warm for songs and activities around the #repit; perfect for families with younger children. On Sunday 17 th December , our 5pm Contemplative Communion will give you 30 minutes of calm, meditative re$ection on the Christmas story. Then we have the joy of our Candlelit Carol Service on the same day at 6pm . Our Follow the Star service on Christmas Eve at 4pm has become the centre piece of our celebrations of Christ’s birth and is designed with families in mind – with the Christmas story shared, carols, and Christingles lit. And for the traditional, Midnight Mass , beginning at 11pm , will have you entering Christmas morning with joy, as will our shorter family service at 10am on Christmas Day . There is something for everyone and we would love to see you this Christmas. Tel: 01727 851544 I s your head full of all the preparations you still need to do to get Christmas sorted this year –presents, cards, festive food? Why not plan to step aside for a brief while and join us for a short All Age Christmas Celebration on Christmas Eve at 10am .** The service will also be streamed. If you want to get into the festive mood before then join us at the Blackberry Jack on Wednesday 6 th December at 6.30pm . (including mulled wine and mince pies). Join in singing familiar carols and again hear the good news of the baby born in Bethlehem and why as Christians we think his coming is still relevant in 2023. We are also holding a Christmas Fayre .** on 10 th December 3-5pm . On Christmas Day we will be meeting at 11am ** and everyone is very welcome. 01582 833818 ** Events at Sandringham School