Neighbourhood News Magazine 36 WINTER 2023 Local church news D uring the autumn, the church has undertaken some long-awaited renovations. By the time we get to Christmas, not only should the Lychgate have been restored, but the chancel and rood screen will have been re-decorated. Special Events this December Saturday 10 th December 4pm: The Alban Duo Piano Concert . Free is entry, but donations are very welcome. Saturday 16 th December 10am-12pm: Free Cra! Church drop-in session for children and their families. A chance to make a Christingle and a short Christingle service at 11.30am. Saturday 16 th December 7pm: Multi-Choir Charity Concert in aid of St. Albans Food Bank, with festive refreshments. Adults £10, children free with tickets available on the door. Christmas Services Sunday 17 th December 4pm: Family Carols by Candlelight followed by refreshments. Saturday 24 th December 10am Parish Communion 3pm Crib Service by Candlelight 5pm Family Carols by Candlelight 11pm Midnight Mass by Candlelight Sunday 25 th December 10am: Christmas Day Holy Communion Sunday 31 st December 10am: New Year’s Eve Holy Communion Rev Wendy Sellers: A s the days get colder and the evenings draw in, we are all tempted to snuggle down into our sofas or duvets and pretty much hibernate. However, if you do that, you will certainly be missing out! Human companionship is really good for all of us, and we are a welcoming bunch, so why not pop in and see us this autumn? Here’s what we are up to: Sundays 10.15am - Worship - with age appropriate clubs for children Mondays 1.30pm - Kanga and Roo Toddler Group (term time only) Tuesdays 1:30pm - Jigsaw - a place to relax and chat with refreshments (in the church) Wednesdays 2.00pm - Table Tennis for the young at heart (in the rear halls) Thursdays 1.30pm - Community Link - a chance to get together for a natter over tea and cake! Free helpful advice for all your tech issues, supported by Computer Friendly Friday - 3.15 - 5pm - Connect and Play - a time to chill for 3 - 8 year olds. As Christmas approaches, we will be gearing up during the season of Advent to get ready for the Good News celebrating the birth of Jesus. All are welcome to our Family Carol Service on Christmas Eve at 4pm . Join us for carols, familiar stories – which maybe told in an unfamiliar way - and a chance to really get ready for the Big Day. The Christmas Day Family Celebration service will be held at 10.15am . If you’d like to, please bring along a gi! you’ve received to ‘show and tell’ during the service. And wherever you "nd yourself this Christmas, may we wish you the true peace that only the baby born in a manger can bring. Every blessing! 01727 857786