Neighbourhood News Magazine

35 WINTER 2023 F riends of Jersey Lane was formed in April with the aim of conserving its natural assets and enhancing its biodiversity with the help of local residents, frequent users of the lane, and volunteers. To this aim, we have supported the local Green Space Action Plan, (GAP), and aim to contribute to the development of future plans. We have been busy identifying the natural assets of Jersey Lane and its adjacent environment. We have worked with several agencies in our aim of enhancing the green infrastructure of the lane. So far, we have worked with residents, Herts County Council Countryside Management Service, (CMS), The Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, Herts and Middlesex Butter!y Conservation, and sta" from Herts County Council Woodland Creative Projects and Land Management Projects. Walks Several walks have taken place with committee members and representatives of these agencies. A tree walk looked at the species present (mostly ash, elm, hornbeam and oak), their health, and the possible need for tree preservation orders, (TPOs). St. Albans and District Council, has donated 120 hedging plants for planting in the lane. By the time you read this, volunteer groups will have planted the hedging and started the process of clearing invasive species from the length of the lane. Do get in touch if you would like to join future volunteer working parties. A bat survey took place and showed a surprisingly large amount of bat activity. Most of the bats were Common Pipistrelles, but six other species were also detected. A butter!y walk with experts taught us about preferred butter!y habitat. Generally, they like more open sunny spaces and there are plans for such sites. We are still keen to collect data on birds, and your help would be much appreciated with this. You can use the Merlin Bird ID app, which records and identi#es birdsong. Results taken, between numbered lampposts please, can be sent to . Sandridge Parish Council has supplied us with a grant, which we will use to purchase tools, fund the setting up and maintaining of a website, and to pay for botanical and wildlife surveys. We are very grateful to them for their support. Being a member of Friends of Jersey Lane is free to everyone. We are on Facebook as 'Friends of Jersey Lane'. Please feel free to post pictures, opinions and comments. Sue Mayo Friends of Jersey Lane Committee