Neighbourhood News Magazine

Could you o!er your skills at the ‘Repair Shop’? T he Parish Council’s Committee for Sustainability wants to recruit handy, practical members of the community, skilled in a particular !eld, or just generally good with their hands. Our aim is to hold regular ‘Repair Shop’ type events to which residents bring anything at danger of being sent to land!ll, or replaced with new because of a minor !xable defect. We want to help further develop a culture in which throwing anything away is seen as a last resort! So, perhaps you have just the skills we seek, for example to: • Carry out simple needlework repairs to bring a much loved item of clothing/fabric back into service. • Fix bike brakes, gears, inner tubes to help you leave the car at home. • Carry out simple electrical repairs to !x toasters, radios, hairdryers etc. • Undertake computer maintenance to speed up deadly slow PCs and improve security. • Repair and/or sharpen garden tools and equipment. • Carry out any other sort of repair for which you have experience and knowledge. We know that workshops/surgeries have been held successfully all over the district and we’ll work with St. Albans Fixers, a"liated with Sustainable St, Albans, to make sure we’re conforming to best practice and are suitably insured. The probable format will be for residents to book a slot with a !xer in advance. So, please let us have your details if you think you’d be able to participate. We’d ask for only as much of your time as you’re able to give and not a minute more! Please contact Simon or Rebecca: (01727) 831871