Neighbourhood News Magazine

21 WINTER 2023 • Improve your memory • Get results which match your ability • Be more coordinated • Reduce stress and anxiety • Have better relationships at home • Make friends more easily • Manage schoolwork better • Live a more balanced life Help for learning and life Do you want to do any of these? Y es, you can still !nd me being a pharmacist at the Quadrant sometimes, but I'm excited to be doing this new thing - completely medication free! Neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT) can help so many people, but especially young people who have struggles in learning or life. You may have a label such as autistic spectrum, dyslexia, or ADHD. Alternatively, you may !nd you are not getting good grades, despite hours of e"ort - or avoiding the study because it's too hard. Sometimes the main issues are stress, anxiety, or relating to others. In NDT, I look for the root causes of such di#culties. We then seek to resolve them using a tailored programme of movement, sound, or touch. The services I provide are primitive re$ex integration using the INPP method, and The Listening Program. Primitive re$exes are the ones which govern our movements as babies, and enable us to feed, but they should all be replaced by 12 months old. Sometimes they hang around, making life that bit tougher in a many diverse ways. You can book a free consultation with me to see if I might be able to help by using the link on my website ChrysalisNDT . I'd also be delighted to speak at any community groups - just email me at . ChrysalisNDT Neurodevelopmental therapy Natural transformation into your best self