Neighbourhood News Magazine 20 WINTER 2023 A t Wheat!elds Junior School, we value the Arts - both through our curriculum and beyond. We aim to nurture our children’s creativity and con!dence. In the summer, we hosted our very own House Music Competition where children were able to showcase their musical talent as soloists, duets, groups or as composers. For some, it was their !rst opportunity to perform publicly whether it was with the instrument they are learning, sharing their vocals or pieces they had composed themselves. Auditions Auditions were held within house groups for the opportunity to perform in the grand !nals in front of the whole school. The event opened with a performance of ‘Chasing Cars’ by Snow Patrol by our very own Year 5 and 6 Contemporary Music Band who had taken part in workshops over the summer term provided by Hertfordshire Music Service. Instrumental performances included the electric guitar and acoustic guitar, trumpet, violin, cello and piano. Budding composers shared their own pieces of instrumental music and we even had a dance track that had been composed on the computer. Songs were performed where lyrics had been written by the children and also well-known hits, including a crowd- pleasing performance of ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ by Rick Astley! It was a wonderful event that showcased the children’s musical talent and interests. Our children learn how music and art can both re"ect and shape our history and culture. To celebrate this, we were lucky enough to have local artist Sarah Gidden work with our children, combining art and music to design and create a mural representing music legends from recent decades. Some of the artists include Ray Charles, Bob Marley, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, Beyonce, Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swi#. Working with Sarah and her art colleagues from Sandringham school, every child in the school contributed to the painting of the mural putting their own stamp on it. The mural is displayed in our school hall where we come together every day and reminds us of the emotive power that art and music can have on how we feel. Education news Wheat!elds Junior School “Music is like a painting. Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand.” – Stevie Wonder