Neighbourhood News Magazine

15 WINTER 2023 W ith a warm and welcoming atmosphere, Bushido Hombu is more than just a place to learn karate, Krav Maga and self-defence. Led by Kevin Archibald, our dojo is a place where members of all ages and skill levels come together to achieve their goals. It’s not just about kicks and punches! Whether you’re looking for !tness, stress release, improved con!dence, increased personal safety or to build a new friendship group, our mixture of sessions will help you become the best version of yourself. We understand that karate is not just about physical !tness but also about developing mental discipline, self-con!dence and respect. Our classes may appear to be of a more relaxed nature, however the levels of respect and discipline are maintained in line with the traditions of karate. Our instructors help you to grow and excel, guiding you along your martial arts path – and we know that not everyone’s path is the same! What makes our club special is the support and encouragement that members give one another. Members o"en say they feel like they're part of a family. All sessions are run from the gymnasium at Wheat!elds Junior School (AL4 9NT). The gym has changing rooms, a waiting area, outside space for training in good weather and a sprung sports #oor that’s ideal for barefoot training. Visit our website to !nd out more about the club, including our regular sessions, booking a trial session and prices. We look forward to meeting you in the dojo!