Neighbourhood News Magazine

5 Summer 2024 Community Centres The way these two important council assets are managed has been changed from a committee structure to one where the Centres Manager reports to the Clerk of the Council routinely and provides bi-annual reports to the Full Council. This change has proved very successful, and the Centres Manager, Stefanie Hayes, has greatly increased the hiring of both halls, thus replacing the significant loss in income when the nursery closed at Marshalswick. We now have a wide range of activities ongoing at both centres, involving a whole range of different groups from across the parish. You can find the full schedule of hirers on our Sandridge Parish Council website, in each copy of the Neighbourhood News, and also on the Community Centre noticeboards. ‘Paradise for Pollinators’ Initiative Many of you will undoubtably have seen the spectacular shows of wild flowers in beds dotted around the parish, on both council land and in schools, churches and private gardens, and this is one initiative which clearly caught the imagination of our community. Following its success last year, this year’s activities are well under way. As the Projects, Amenities and Community Engagement Officer, Rebecca Pannese has stated, we need these wild flowers to attract and feed our much-needed pollinators, a point made by Rebecca in her recent broadcast interview on Radio station Mix 92.6. The aim last year was to seed at least half an acre with wildflowers, which was exceeded, and this year we have added a further four additional wildflower beds in our open spaces. The colour in last year’s beds was principally from the annual seeds contained in the mix, and these should come again, but now they will be augmented by the perennial plants, which were mainly “in the green” last year. Playgrounds The council has several playgrounds in its portfolio, namely: Jersey Farm Adventure Playground, William Bell Open Space, Sherwood Park, Damson Way Open Space, Harness Way Open Space, St. Leonard’s Open Space and Spencer Meadow Courts and Outdoor Gym. Throughout the year, these areas have all received attention in the form of regular inspections and maintenance under the auspices of the Sports and Recreation Grounds Committee. For example, the skate ramp at Jersey Farm suffered some damage, and this was attended to by the original contractors. In addition, a local graffiti artist has painted a spectacular mural on one end of the ramp, which has attracted a lot of admirers, and he is scheduled to return for further work later this year.