Neighbourhood News Magazine

45 Summer 2024 T he Day Centre, which is staffed by around a dozen volunteer helpers, meets on Tuesdays (during school term time) at Jersey Farm Community Centre. We have a current clientele of around 18 senior citizens, all of whom live independently (including in sheltered housing) within Jersey Farm, Marshalswick and Sandridge. We aim to provide opportunities for members to meet and chat, participate in a wide variety of activities and to enjoy a varied and interesting entertainments programme. We also provide the services of a qualified chiropodist, at a cost much reduced from the usual market rate, approximately every eight weeks. A typical session begins at 11am with coffee/tea and biscuits and a chance to chat with fellow members, followed by some collaborative puzzling, and a hot, two- course lunch at 12.30pm. After lunch, we welcome visiting speakers and live musical entertainers before finishing with afternoon tea from 2.30-3.00pm. In addition, we organise occasional trips out, by minibus, for lunch or tea at suitable pubs, garden centres or the like. A mini-raffle is held each week, members and their families and friends are also invited to join our (optional) 50/50 Club which pays out monthly cash prizes. We also offer free minibus collection and drop-off to and from your doorstep. The minibus is equipped with a tail lift if you require it. The all-inclusive cost per session is just £10. For more information, call Kath Green on 07713 095 839 . Day Centre offers a warm welcome! Residents’ Association update T he Jersey Farm Residents’ Association (JFRA) organised an Easter Egg treasure hunt with clues hidden along Jersey Lane from Sunday 16 th March until Sunday 24 th March. Families who completed the hunt were able to claim easter egg prizes, donated by Tescos, enjoy refreshments, and join in fun and games in the Jersey Farm Community Centre on Sunday 24 th March. As well as being great fun, the event also raised funds for the St. Albans District Foodbank from donations, the name the bunny competition and the raffle. The JFRA Committee was pleased to welcome residents and local councillors to the JFRA AGM on Friday 26 th April at Jersey Farm Community Centre. The 2023 accounts were approved and JFRA has sufficient funds to operate for the next year without the need to collect membership subscriptions from residents. The committee was re- elected and Treasurer and Secretary appointed. The cost and challenge of delivering a newsletter to every Jersey Farm household has meant that a smaller number of newsletters are now being printed with distribution to local outlets such as Jersey Farm Community Centre, Tesco Store, the Blackberry Jack, and the Jersey Farm dentist and doctors' surgeries, where residents can pick up a copy. You can also check Facebook and our noticeboard outside Tesco for the latest news and upcoming events. We would also welcome new committee members to assist the existing committee of eight members, as well as volunteers who can help with events. John Harmsworth JFRA Chairman and Honorary Treasurer