Neighbourhood News Magazine

43 Summer 2024 M arshalswick North Residents’ Association and Jersey Farm Residents’ Association are delighted to confirm that access has now been restored to all the public rights of way running over the Oaklands College grounds. Following closures due to adjacent construction works and contamination to local fields which all affected the rights of way, all paths are now fully reopened. There was concern when the paths were originally closed that, due to the selective denial of access to the public and not to students or staff, Oaklands College were attempting to get the rights of way permanently closed or to be diverted around the edge of the college grounds. Support However, with support from walking groups, cycling groups, horse riders and county councillors, local residents were able to convince Hertfordshire Highways department to review the temporary closure notice and to press the college to open the routes to the public. Our public campaign demonstrated to Hertfordshire and Oaklands College how important the routes are as non- vehicular routes for commuting, exercise, recreation and general enjoyment of open spaces. Thank you to everyone who supported our campaign to get the routes reopened quickly and rest assured, we will continue to monitor the routes and seek to improve access to this important area of open space in the future. We will even press to get North Drive resurfaced to make it easier to cycle upon! If you encounter any issues in using these routes in the future, please let us know at . Jim Watson Co-ordinator Marshalswick North Residents’ Association Jersey Farm Residents’ Association Local pressure ensures continued access to popular footpaths