Neighbourhood News Magazine

33 Summer 2024 Councillor profile - Councillor Maurice Wells I have been a member of Sandridge Parish Council for just over a year and stand as an independent. I was born in Chandlers Road and have lived within the parish all of my life, living in Jersey Farm for nearly forty years. I left Beaumont school in 1974 and joined the then GPO as an apprentice in the West End of London, and I attended night school in Brixton, specialising in Radio and Line transmission. Over the years, as my career developed, I moved to work in the City of London and travelled all over the UK and USA, Europe and Singapore. In addition, I gained an MBA mid career, part time, and after leaving BT in 2004, I worked for a German optical transmission company based in York. Family I am married with three adult children, one grandchild and another on the way. My hobbies include DIY, restoring and adapting broken household products into a second use, cycle touring in the UK and Europe, in addition to walking and travelling in our camper van. Since taking early retirement, I have undertaken a number of interesting roles, including Herts County Council cycling proficiency training around the county, and working in the Adult and Children’s Service records department at County Hall. I then volunteered with the Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme at the Pioneer Club, working with young people who had been home schooled. Volunteering I joined the Sunday morning volunteers group run by Sandridge Parish Council over five years ago, laying hedges and planting trees and new hedgerows around the parish. My main interest areas are the open spaces in the parish and, as a Councillor, I like to take a hands on role of the upkeep and enhancement of the local facilities by using my DIY skills to the benefit of the residents. In the past year, myself and my fellow councillors have built a third oak bench at the community garden, repaired the burnt picnic bench and installed cycle parking at Jersey Farm Woodland Park, and installed a rainwater collection system at Marshalswick Community Centre. If you see me in action with other councillors and officers at the Woodland, please stop and chat! Another area of personal interest is in sustainability and using technology to achieve this. I am a member of the Sustainability Committee and I am keen to see the parish hold its first “Repair Shop“ next spring, working with the St. Albans fixers, who will lead the event.