Neighbourhood News Magazine 20 Summer 2024 Sandridge Primary School Early Years are enjoying their new purpose-built canopy We recently purchased a red double decker bus to be transformed into a unique children’s library O ur Early Years outside area has had an exciting makeover over the last few weeks; with new fencing erected around the garden, and a purpose-built canopy installed to enhance the children’s outdoor learning and experiences. Our Nursery and Reception children have been enjoying a wide range of activities under the canopy, including story time, den building, construction and water play. We still have Reception places for September 2024, so, if you’re looking for a nurturing, village school that focuses on developing the ‘whole child’, do give the school office a call and arrange a visit. We would love to meet you. We also have another project currently underway… our very own library bus! FOSS (Friends of Sandridge School) have recently purchased a red double decker, and, with the help, support and energy of parents and members of the community, we are in the process of cleaning, decorating and refurbishing this fantastic space and creating a unique library and reading area. Watch this space next term as we get it ready for its grand opening! Education news