Neighbourhood News Spring 2024 8 SPRING 2024 C ollaborative law is a non confrontational approach to resolving many issues that can arise on divorce or separation. Couples can !nd more creative and "exible solutions than might come out of formal legal proceedings, and can focus on the issues that are really important to them, at their own pace. Solutions Financial and children issues alike can be resolved in the collaborative process, and it can lead to sounder, longer-lasting solutions without the need to attend court. Under the collaborative process, each person appoints their own collaboratively- trained solicitor. Both parties come together with their legal representatives, meeting to negotiate and discuss the issues, with their solicitors by their side throughout the process, providing support and legal advice from start to end. Collaborative meetings can take place in person or remotely via video. The ultimate aim is to reach an agreement around the table, !nding a solution that is tailored to the individual needs of the couple. I am proud to be a fully quali!ed collaborative solicitor. This is an e#ective and adaptable process which puts clients and their children at its heart. During the collaborative process, clients focus on the future and !nd solutions that work for the family as a whole. Compared with the court process, collaborative law can provide better value for money and help couples stay on more amicable terms. Lehna Gardiner Legal Director and Collaborative Lawyer, Rayden Solicitors, St. Albans Understanding collaborative law