Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

5 SPRING 2024 Conversely, it may also provide reasons for objecting when proposals fall foul of its requirements. Committee for Sustainability This new committee was formed in 2023 from the long established PEAP Committee in order to better address environmental and sustainability challenges relating to Parish Council activities. The committee's remit is summarised under four headings; • Recycling, Reusing, Repurposing, Repairing • Carbon Reduction and Capture • Improving the Natural Environment for Residents • Protecting and Supporting Nature The committee meets four times a year and, as well as councillors, has public members from specialist organisations such as the Herts County Council Rights of Way team and Sustainable St. Albans. Further public member spaces are available on the committee. If you are interested, please contact the Parish O!ce on 01727 831871. Community Garden I am sure you will have enjoyed the community garden outside the Marshalswick community centre over the past year. Volunteers have worked hard to create this oasis of calm for everyone to enjoy. Of course, during the winter months it can, like any other garden, look a little sad. However, spring is on the way (cue the da"odils in the raised beds) and soon it will be time to prepare the beds, plant the seeds and generally ”spruce it up”. Please contact the Parish O!ce if you would like to take part.