Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

45 SPRING 2024 M any of you will have seen the Parish Council’s van in and around your neighbourhood. This vehicle is used on a daily basis by sta!, councillors and volunteers in support of a broad variety of tasks. On 23 rd January, our Committee for Sustainability met, with one of the agenda items being whether it would be a good idea to trade the current diesel van in for a two year old electric model. A report was tabled and the matter discussed at length before it was resolved to retain the current van for review in two years. This decision was made a"er comparing the level of emissions from the current vehicle (1,200 miles covered annually) to the environmental impact of producing an electric vehicle. A key factor was that there was no proposal to scrap the diesel van, only to sell it on. The Parish Council constantly challenges the way it operates to ensure it always acts in an environmentally responsible way. Our Committee for Sustainability would always be happy to receive ideas from residents on how we could do better. Simon Thwaites, Parish Clerk Discussing the future of the Parish van You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram For news and information from the Parish Council and the surrounding areas