Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

41 SPRING 2024 A s reported in the Spring 2023 Neighbourhood News, Jersey Farm Residents’ Association held an Extraordinary General Meeting on 15 th November 2022 to decide whether there was any future for the residents’ association. Although a new Committee was not formed immediately, the meeting did demonstrate an interest in having an association and it was resolved to produce a lea!et to relaunch JFRA in 2023. This lea!et was delivered to all Jersey Farm households in May 2023, asking for volunteers. We were pleased to received a good number of responses and this led to a meeting of volunteers on 11 th July 2023, at which a Committee was formed. The new Committee met on 7 th August 2023 with John Harmsworth elected as Chairman and Paul Craddock as Vice-Chairman. It was decided that the "rst community event would be a litterpick, and there was a great response from Jersey Farm residents. Volunteers gathered at the Community Centre at 11am on Sunday 24 th September to start litter picking. Thanks to Sandridge Parish Council, Veolia and BIFFA, we had plenty of hi-vis vests, gloves, rubbish bags and litter picking equipment. Our local Tesco also supported the event by supplying tea, co#ee and biscuits so we could have refreshments in the Community Centre when litterpick volunteers returned. In the Community Centre hall there were cra$ activities for children and a Recyclobot competition. In November, the Committee distributed !yers inviting all residents to the Community Centre on Sunday 3 rd December for a Christmas Cake and Cra$ event. The Committee are now planning for an outdoor Easter event on Sunday 24 th March 2024 with a treasure hunt. Families will be asked to register in advance to receive information and quiz sheets, so look out for more details on Facebook and the JFRA noticeboard outside Tesco. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 26 th April 2024 at the Jersey Farm Community Centre and we hope to produce a newsletter and hold another litter picking event. We also welcome volunteers to help with events and to join the Committee and JFRA can be contacted via facebook or email John Harmsworth, JFRA Chairman