Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

Chair’s report - Councillor Graham Leonard A s chair of the Parish Council, it is my responsibility to submit a “Chair’s Report” for each edition of this publication. Sharp-eyed readers will have noticed the absence of such a report from the winter edition of Neighbourhood News. I regret that this was due to personal health issues, but I am now getting back to work. I trust you all had a peaceful Christmas and enjoyable New Year celebration. We are now heading into Spring, and, as I write this, the snowdrops and aconites are in full bloom with da!odils and crocuses not far behind. These cheerful "owers herald better (and hopefully drier) weather for us all to enjoy. Please put a note in your diaries/calendars for Saturday 1 st June, which is the date of the Summer Event on Jersey Farm Woodland Park. See page 7 for futher information. Clothing Banks The two Salvation Army clothing banks, which have been installed in the Parish O#ce car park, are proving to be very popular. In October and November last year, 1,500 kg of shoes and clothing were donated by parishioners. The success of these has led to the installation of a further clothing bank at Spencer Meadow playing $eld. A critical aspect of these clothing banks is the regularity with which they are emptied to avoid "y-tipping when they are full. The Salvation Army is very good at ensuring this has not been an issue, and hopefully this continues. In the unlikely event that a bin is full when you are delivering donations, please take them home and return at a later date. Community Centres The way these two important council assets are managed has been changed from a committee structure, to one where the Community Centres Manager reports to the Clerk of the Council routinely and provides bi- annual reports to the full council. This change has proved very successful, and the Manager (Stef Hayes) has greatly increased the hiring of both community centres, thus replacing the signi$cant loss in income when the nursery closed at Marshalswick. We now have a wide range of activities ongoing at both centres, involving a number of di!erent groups from across the parish. Neighbourhood Plan The Neighbourhood Plan drawn up by the Parish Council, which was the work of a number of councillors and community volunteers, is undergoing a review. This is to ensure that it is working as it should and remains relevant to both current planning laws and the needs of various communities across the parish. This review by councillors should be complete later this year and a revised plan will be forthcoming. It is interesting to note that the Neighbourhood Plan, which is a formally approved planning document, is o%en cited as reasons for supporting a planning application. 4 SPRING 2024