Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

A t St. Mary’s we love the outdoors, and we are fortunate to have some lovely spaces. We are currently working on plans to help these spaces become more accessible and connected to the community – we’re calling it the ‘Village Green’ project and we’d love to hear your ideas. In the meantime, we are looking forward to Spring springing for our current outdoor activities to begin, which include: Peppercorn Place – enjoying the peace of our beautiful community garden, open each day through spring and summer. Green Grace, Church Outdoors – celebrating the beginning of each season with a simple service for all ages, including cra!s and activities that connect us to creation and our responsibility of care. Green Grace meets next on 23 rd March at 3pm . Easter – greeting the festival of Easter with services around the "re pit. On Saturday 30 th March we watch the sun go down together, and then we regather as the sun rises, to celebrate Jesus’s resurrection and the promise of new life. You’re welcome to come and explore our green spaces and we’d love to welcome you to our special services and events. There is more information on our website and Facebook page. Tel: 01727 851544 T he Easter eggs in the shops are a reminder that Easter is fast approaching! he eggs are an ancient symbol of the wonderful new life that we see springing up everywhere at this time of year! For Christians, we celebrate the new life that the risen Jesus gives. We are also in the middle of Lent, and our community is preparing for the feast of Easter. We endeavour to become better, kinder people, and seek to "nd new ways to reach out to our neighbours. Holy Week begins on 24 th March with Palm Sunday . We will bless palms at our 9am Mass and recall the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. During Holy Week, there will be various services recalling the last week of Jesus’ life on earth. On Good Friday , we commemorate the death of Jesus on the cross – the greatest act of love for all humanity. Our main service is at 3pm in the church in Beacons!eld Road , and there is a popular children’s service earlier that day. On Easter Sunday , we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus at St. John Fisher Mass Centre at 9am . You are all very welcome to all our services this Easter. 37 SPRING 2024