Neighbourhood News Spring 2024 36 SPRING 2024 Local church news C ra! Church for families is on Good Friday 29 th March . The free drop-in session will include an Easter Egg Hunt as well as cra!s, refreshments and activities. Future dates are 20 th April, 18 th May, 15 th June, 20 th July . There are activities for children at our Sunday Holy Communion 10am services , where we usually have Sunday School and our children’s corner too, or you can just join us for refreshments at 11am. The service is traditional in "avour with well- known hymns, and an emphasis on love, joy and inclusion. We are also very happy to hear from families considering a baptism. Over Lent and Easter please join us on: 28 th March, 8pm . Maundy Thursday: Holy Communion. 29 th March, 2-3pm . Good Friday: Final Hour service. 31 st March: Easter Holy Communion , starting with a bon#re outside. The church will be beautifully decorated from 30 th March, so do pop in any day to admire the displays. Special events to look forward to: Saturday 8 th June, 11am-2pm : our ever- popular Summer Fete . Sunday 7 th July, 3pm : Cream tea and songs of praise. Sunday a!ernoons in August 3-5pm: a!ernoon teas . We hope to see you soon. Rev Wendy Sellers: A huge thank you to everyone who donated for our recent appeals for the Verso food bank (January) and the Emmaus Rucksack Appeal (February) to support people in the local community. During March, we will be focussing on the approach to Easter, the ultimate time of sacri#cial giving. With this in mind, you are invited to join our re"ective Good Friday service at 3pm on 29 th March and our Easter Sunday celebration at 10.15am on 31 st March , to which all are welcome. In the meantime, you are also encouraged to join us (term-time) for Kanga and Roo on Mondays at 1.30 - 3pm – a place for new mums and newborns, carers, babies and young toddlers to hang out, play, chat and make friends. And for the slightly older - Connect and Play on Fridays at 3.15 - 5pm for three to eight year olds – a space to play, read, puzzle, build and chill. 01727 857786