Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

4-5 CHAIR’S REPORT Councillor Graham Leonard 6 DON’T FORGET YOUR PHOTO ID At the May elections 7 WOODLAND PARK SUMMER EVENT Saturday 1 st June 2024 8 UNDERSTANDING COLLABORATIVE LAW Rayden Solicitors, St. Albans 9 MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS With St. Albans District Council’s Playing Out scheme 10 COUNCILLOR PROFILE Councillor Mary Ternouth 11 COMPASSIONATE CAFES Supporting bereaved people in the local community 12 NOTICEBOARD ! SPRING 2024 Listing of contact points throughout the area 13 WHO DO I CONTACT Useful numbers for many issues that arise 15 BLESSING MARKET Reunion of cultures in celebration of Lunar New Year 16-20 EDUCATION NEWS Find out what’s going on at your local schools 21 HELPING THE HOMELESS Sandridge Evening Women’s Institute 22 PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS 2024 Dates of Sandridge Parish Council meetings 23 VOLUNTEERING IN MY PARISH Councillor Carol Chalkley 24-25 CAPTURING THE LOCAL BEAUTY Artist Meggie Nikolic 26-27 MARSHALSWICK COMMUNITY CENTRE Listing of regular hirers 28-29 JERSEY FARM COMMUNITY CENTRE Listing of regular hirers 31 SPENCER HALL And Sandridge Rovers Sports and Social Club 33 HERTFORDSHIRE’S COUNTRYSIDE CHARITY O!ering interesting and informative talks 35 FARMING IN SANDRIDGE Carrie Sherri! 36-38 LOCAL CHURCH NEWS Find out what’s going on at your local churches 39 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR LIBRARY A wonderful range of books and free membership! 41 RELAUNCHED! Jersey Farm Residents’ Association 43 CLOTHING BANKS IN THE PARISH Simon Thwaites, Parish Clerk 45 COMMITTEE OF SUSTAINABILITY Discussing the future of the Parish van COPYRIGHT - Items in this publication are subject to copyright. Copying in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Unless speci"cally stated, views expressed in Neighbourhood News are not necessarily those of the editor or of Sandridge Parish Council. While sponsored by Sandridge Parish Council, Neighbourhood News is an independent publication. The editor reserves the right to shorten, modify or reject submitted material. All advertisements, photographs and artwork supplied to Neighbourhood News are accepted in good faith (free of copyright). Neither Sandridge Parish Council nor the editor can be held responsible for goods or services advertised. Front cover image by Albert Callewaert Circulation: Over 4,900 homes and businesses in Marshalswick, Jersey Farm and Sandridge. This is equivalent to all of the AL4 9-- postcode area. Contents SPRING 2024 Published for and on behalf of Sandridge Parish Council Published by: LOCAL PUBLISHING LTD Tel: 01727 757475 Editor/ Advertising: STEFANIE HAYES Address: Neighbourhood News, c/o Sandridge Parish Council, Marshalswick Community Centre, The Ridgeway, St. Albans, AL4 9TU EDITORIAL DEADLINE If you have an article you would like to be considered for the Summer 2024 edition, please email it to the editor by Tues 14 th May 2024