Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

I love living in Marshalswick and was persuaded to become a Councillor for Sandridge Parish in May 2023. As a Councillor I wanted to make a di!erence in my area and volunteering provided the pathway. I volunteer at the Community Garden by the library with other like-minded folk. We look a"er the plants and vegetables that grow there, also meeting local people who sit and have co!ee or lunch. I go out litter picking with neighbours or on my own. The di!erence it makes is amazing, and someone always thanks me! Trees are such an important defence towards climate change but they do need looking a"er. This winter, with the support of the Parish O#ce, I have started cutting back the basal growth at the bottom of the trees on verges and attaching new tree ties for support. Our paths need looking a"er too and where I can see the grass starting to cover the tarmac I am taking it o!. If the paths are nice, maybe people will walk on them more? These are only little things but they add up to helping make our parish an even nicer place to live. What could you do? Volunteering opportunities are everywhere once you start looking. In our parish on one Sunday a month, volunteers work outside in various areas planting or cutting back hedges, shrubs and bushes, particularly, but not exclusively, on Jersey Farm Woodland Park. The Wick is our local Nature Reserve (although just outside the parish) and every Tuesday morning you will $nd a group of people clearing paths, cutting down broken branches or planting bulbs or trees. I $nd whenever I $nish volunteering I am walking home with a smile on my face hoping I have made a di!erence, however small, to our community area. Councillor Carol Chalkley Volunteering in my parish Could you help make a di!erence to your local area? 23 SPRING 2024