Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

You would be very welcome to join us. For more information please contact At Sandridge Evening Women’s Institute I magine not being able to shower or clean your teeth. For their Christmas collection 2023, the Sandridge Evening Women’s Institute donated to the Open Door shelter in St. Albans some toiletry bags, which included shaving gel and razors, toothpaste and toothbrush and other toiletries to help those who !nd themselves in the hostel. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at Sandridge Village Hall at 7.45pm. Speakers have included The Commonwealth War Graves Commission and Herts Police talking about Cyber Crime. Upcoming speakers include Mercy Ships and A Visit to Japan. We have competitions, lots of chat and fun, and once a month we meet for a cra" a"ernoon. A recent group outing to the Household Waste Recycling Plant in London Colney was fascinating and not as smelly as you might imagine! HELPING THE HOMELESS 21 SPRING 2024