Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

Education news Sandringham School T he main event in February was our annual dance show, ‘Velocity’. This was on the theme of ‘VeloCITY’, with toy characters played by the Year 13 senior dancers, going on a journey through toy land and then the real world to !nd lost children. The two-hour show took us through a wonderful series of dances that re"ected this story and the 200 young dancers performed exceptionally well, keeping the audience enthralled. The set design this year was particularly impressive, and the theatre crew, ably led by Mr. Leven, did a magni!cent job. Congratulations to the students, and a very big thank you to Ms Davies and Ms Willmott from the dance faculty, Ms Arif and Ms Whitehead, and to all the SandPit Theatre sta#. Training This is the time of year when some of you may be considering a change of career. The Alban Federation, now linked to the Alban Teaching School Hub based at Sandringham, is an accredited provider for Initial Teacher Training, allowing people with a relevant degree to train and gain quali!ed teacher status. This is a year-long progamme and there are substantial bursaries available (up to £30k for some subjects) to support you whilst training. We are currently recruiting for this September and there are a number of Teacher Training vacancies available. If you are interested in teaching as a career, contact the school and we will be able to help guide you through the process of becoming a teacher of the future. Careers A reminder of our careers opportunity for sixth form students where they are encouraged to undertake between 3-5 days of work experience. This can be in any suitable environment, and we would like to reach out to all local employers to see if you would be interested in taking a sixth-form student for this experience. They are extremely well-mannered, articulate, and interesting young people who would be an asset to any organisation. If you can o#er something, please contact the school. Secondary Transfer Open Evening will be held on Monday 8 th July 5.45 – 8.45pm. The Sandringham website and ‘Moving on’ booklet will provide further information closer to the date. We anticipate being extremely busy once again, as many families wish to look around the school. Apologies in advance to our nearest neighbours for any disruption with tra$c on this particular evening. 16