Neighbourhood News Spring 2024

SPRING 2024 10 Councillor profile - Councillor Mary Ternouth I moved to the Marshalswick area from the Wirral in 2012 and think it’s a great place to live. My brother had been based in St. Albans for many years, and one of my sons and his family live here. Having worked in the social care sector before retirement, I was keen to get to know people and be involved in the local community preferably in a non-political way. I joined some Neighbourhood Plan working groups back in 2014 and stayed involved until the Plan was passed by referendum in 2021. I am particularly interested in sustainable travel issues, including tra!c congestion, local bus services and walking, cycling and recreational travel. Linked with these concerns, I was a member of the Parish Environmental Assets and Paths (PEAP) Committee (now part of the Sustainability Committee) and worked with others on establishing local paths as public rights of way. I eventually stood for election on the grounds that it’s no use moaning about things if you aren’t prepared to get stuck in yourself. Going forward, I see our Neighbourhood Plan as one of the best ways of trying to ensure our area changes in the way we want in the future. Greenery and wildlife habitat are under increasing pressure so, more recently, I have been part of the initiative to set up the Friends of Jersey Lane group. In my spare time, I am a keen gardener (especially growing vegetables), and enjoy walking, wine tasting and learning Italian. Parish Council Committee memberships : Human Resources Committee, The Committee for Sustainability, Planning Committee