Autumn 2023

9 AUTUMN 2023 By promoting responsible and sustainable commercial development, the plan strives to strike a balance between economic prosperity and the preservation of Sandridge's unique identity. Involvement Residents' participation and input are crucial to the success of the Sandridge Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan. The council encourages all community members to engage actively in the process of shaping the future of their parish. Your suggestions and ideas are invaluable in re!ning and improving the plan further. A team of councillors has worked on the neighbourhood plan for many years, and since the May elections, the working group now comprises of Councillor John Hale, Councillor Mary Ternouth, Councillor June Reid, Councillor Raihaanah Ahmed, and Councillor James Lambert. We are seeking to !nd out your preferred method of engagement to further enhance and re!ne the plan so that it is !t for the challenges of the coming years. You can email your suggestions for engagement to . Your input might range from attending public consultation events, joining focus groups, or submitting written feedback. We’re happy to explore social media channels as a forum for discussion too. The council welcomes your unique perspectives and insights, as this plan is truly for the people, by the people. By actively engaging in this process, you can play a vital role in shaping the future of Sandridge. Together, we can ensure that our parish remains a beautiful, vibrant, and sustainable community that we are proud to call home. The current version of the plan can be found on the Parish Council Website http:// Plan_27037.aspx , or accessed using the QR code opposite.