Autumn 2023 8 AUTUMN 2023 A pproved by referendum in 2021, the Sandridge Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan is a crucial, community-driven document that outlines a vision for the future of the Sandridge Parish area, and now forms part of the Development Plan for the District Council. Our Neighbourhood Plan aims to preserve the area's unique character, while accommodating sustainable growth and development. The plan has been developed with extensive input from residents, local businesses, and stakeholders, making it a true representation of the community's aspirations and needs. Preservation One of the key focuses of the plan is to maintain the natural beauty and green spaces that de!ne the parish, so preservation of the parish's rural character, protection of the Green Belt, and sustainable land use are fundamental aspects of the plan. It emphasises the importance of striking a balance between development and conservation to ensure that future generations can enjoy the same beauty and charm that the area o"ers today. The plan also addresses the pressing need for a"ordable housing and community facilities. By identifying suitable sites for a"ordable homes and promoting mixed-use developments, the plan seeks to cater to the diverse housing needs of current and future residents. Enhancement Simultaneously, the plan advocates for the enhancement of community facilities, such as parks, schools, healthcare centres, and recreational spaces, to foster a vibrant and inclusive community. Safeguarding the environment and promoting sustainable practices are signi!cant components of the plan. It encourages the adoption of eco-friendly technologies, the reduction of carbon emissions, and the promotion of renewable energy sources. Additionally, the plan envisions a robust transportation network with improved public transport options and enhanced cycling and walking infrastructure to reduce the area's reliance on private vehicles. The plan emphasises the vitality of supporting local businesses and the creation of job opportunities within the parish. It aims to stimulate economic growth, while fostering a strong sense of community.
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