Autumn 2023

45 AUTUMN 2023 M arshalswick North Residents Association (MNRA) held a second ‘Meet your Councillors’ session on 6 th September. This was a very successful event, enjoyed by both MNRA members and our councillors, who were able to engage with their constituents and then follow up on the discussions on items such as tidying up Bentsley Spinney and Jersey Lane. Protection This discussion promoted the formation of Friends of Jersey Lane and it is planned that a further group will work to protect and improve Bentsley Spinney. We hope our second such evening will be equally successful. Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 3 rd October and will include a talk by our local police o!cers. A similar visit last year initiated a lively discussion on several local issues. On 31 st October we will hold an interesting talk for local residents by Mike Neighbour on local history. Mike is a previous resident of the area who has written extensively about the history of this area of St. Albans and has a blog on ‘St. Albans Own East End’. On 6 th June we had an illustrated talk by John Morewood, a St. Albans City Guide, on the history of manufacturing businesses in St. Albans e.g. Straw hats, Roses Lime Marmalade and Ryders Seeds. St. Albans may not be immediately thought of as an industrial town but it had a rich and varied past in industry. The talk covered the industrial archaeology of the city from the picturesque watermills and blacksmiths to the breweries and printing works, from Railway posters to Ballitos stockings, from musical instruments to orchids and the recipient of the next Blue Plaque in St. Albans. Community As well as these meetings for existing and prospective members, MNRA will be submitting comments on the dra" local plan and how it will a#ect our community. We also continue to chase Taylor Wimpey to get the lighting connected on the new footpath beside Sandpit Lane leading from Oaklands Grange. New members are always welcome to support the Association. Please let us know if you would be interested in joining any future Friends Groups or if you would like further information about MNRA. Please scan the QR code below or contact us at You can also follow us on Facebook. Linda Russell, Membership Secretary, Marshalswick North Residents’ Association MARSHALSWICK NORTH Residents’ Association