Autumn 2023

M y name is Sharon, and my friend Clare and I met at Grove House when we were being treated for Breast Cancer at the beginning of 2022. We set up a monthly support group which meets on the !rst Friday of the month at 10am at Megan’s St. Albans, supported by lovely Loretta and her team. Being diagnosed with cancer is a shock, frightening, and a lot to cope with very suddenly. Going through months of treatment and coping with side e"ects can be di#cult and upsetting, and loved ones and friends are also a"ected. It makes a big impact on our lives and changes everything. Knowing where to start when recovering a$er all the treatment may take months or years, and it does not just go away. It can feel like; “Oh my goodness, what just happened?” Our group gives people somewhere to come for some company, where others understand, and you are not alone. We chat, listen and have a few laughs, which feels really good. We sometimes have a few tears - which we all need sometimes too. Try to be kind to yourself, slow down, enjoy little things like tea, biscuits, bubble baths or a little walk, whatever makes you happy. Sometimes just getting out the front door is a start, a step and can make all the di"erence at a time we need it the most. Sharon and Clare 41 AUTUMN 2023