Autumn 2023

S t. Mary’s is celebrating 80 years as the Church of England’s parish church for Marshalswick and much of Jersey Farm. The Bishop of Hertford joined us for a joyful service of celebration on 10 th September. Our story as a church began with a Mrs Sabin, of Marshalswick Lane, who persuaded the Vicar of Sandridge to hold services in her house. Mrs Sabin’s drawing room was soon too small for the people gathered each week, and a committee formed to !nd a suitable building. A"er much searching, a small wooden chicken hut was found, which cost £135 and was erected by local people on some land in Kingshill Avenue. In 1943, the hut held its !rst church service. A"er the war, fundraising began in earnest to build a permanent home for St. Mary’s, and, in 1955, the foundation stone for the new St. Mary’s Church on Sherwood Avenue was laid by Earl Spencer. We are grateful for each person who has been part of the life of St. Mary’s in many di#erent ways over the last 80 years, and we are excited and hopeful about the future as we seek to serve the community. Wherever you !nd yourself on the journey of faith, at the best and the worst of times and all the moments in between, we are here for you. Tel: 01727 851544 B ack in July, around 200 people visited our Summer Fun Fest at Sandringham School. There were activities for young and old, including face painting, bouncy castle, games and a variety of international !nger food. During autumn, we will have various events to which you are very welcome. On Friday 6 th October we will be holding our Macmillan fundraiser at the Jersey Farm Café from 2- 5pm. Do come and help us raise money for this very worthwhile charity. As a church, we are now a group of people from many di#erent countries and with di#erent life experiences but who all have the common belief in the God of the Bible. Why not come along and meet us and !nd out how such a diverse group of people can work together. Sunday mornings we meet at Sandringham School, AL4 9NX at 10am. You would be very welcome. 01582 833818 38 AUTUMN 2023