Autumn 2023
Likewise, we are in touch with the Butter!y Conservation Trust to "nd out whether there is local expertise upon which we might call. If any reader is knowledgeable about butter!ies, do please let us know, as we would love to pick your brains. Many readers will be aware that all residents are being invited to contribute to the consultation on the dra# Local Plan (see plan ). Chapter 10 of the dra# Plan, in particular, is relevant to Jersey Lane. We are monitoring developments closely and will be submitting our response in due course. As much of our future work on the lane will be undertaken by volunteer work parties, we are currently ensuring that we have members with accredited training in leadership, health and safety and "rst aid. On a "nal, if less savoury note, we are aware of the concerns of some residents regarding over!owing dog-poo bins. We would suggest that you keep reporting the problem via the St. Albans District Council website: rubbish You can also raise your concern with the local councillor https://stalbans.moderngov . Jim Watson Friends of Jersey Lane 27 AUTUMN 2023
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