Autumn 2023
Sta!, students and their families enjoyed the annual Wheatfest event Wheat!elds Infants and Nursery O nce again, life has been very busy at Wheat!elds Infants’ and Nursery School. In June, the children were very excited with the installation of new playground markings, incorporating a trail for them to use when completing the daily mile. The request for the markings originally came from the children themselves, and the School Council were involved at all stages. The children are justi!ably proud of the results. Positivity Also in June, we were incredibly proud that we were successfully re-accredited with the Wellbeing Award for Schools. The assessors noted that all stakeholder feedback was highly impressive, including that from sta", pupils and governors. However, the most impressive feedback was from parents, which demonstrated how o#en sta" go above and beyond for the children in their care, as well as parents and families. Wellbeing is a very important part of life at Wheat!elds, and we are delighted to receive the award once again. Later in the month, Reception children enjoyed a fantastic trip to Mount!tchett Castle, linked to their learning about people in the past and their understanding of the world. They discovered how to respect the rules of the castle and be kind to the animals that lived there. Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed a special assembly from the RNLI and were able to apply the safety information that was shared with them whilst enjoying a fantastic trip to the beach at Shoeburyness. As part of their learning, the children looked at the di"erence between the human and the physical features at the beach. The school has taken the children to Shoeburyness on a number of occasions, and, although it entails a huge amount of meticulous planning, it is worth it to see the enjoyment the children have visiting the seaside, accompanied by all of their friends. Wheatfest In July, the sun shone as we put up our tents ready for an evening of fun with friends and family at Wheatfest. This has become an annual tradition at school when everyone camps out overnight on the school !eld. The children had a great time playing games and joining in with camp!re songs before being entertained by one of our parents playing songs on his guitar. They then enjoyed a live performance from a local band. Education news
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