Autumn 2023
On Thursday 2 nd November, we will be holding an introduction to the Sixth Form and the BeauSandVer post-16 Education Trust. This is for anyone interested in joining the sixth form at Sandringham and with our trust partners, Beaumont and Verulam Schools and part of the BeauSandVer post-16 trust. If you are interested in !nding out more about the fantastic opportunities available, contact the school to reserve a place, or simply turn up on the evening. A full Sixth Form Opening evening will be held in early January, which will provide further details before you make applications. Forthcoming events currently planned for the Autumn term: Thursday 16 th November – Saturday 18 th November - 7.30pm Whole School Show (SandPit Theatre) We would love you to come and watch. Details from the SandPit Theatre website. Saturday 2 nd December 11am – 3pm Xmas Fayre (throughout the main part of the school). Refreshments, cra" stalls, tombola, games and Father Xmas to entertain the kids. Wednesday 13 th December - 7pm Carol Service (St. Saviours Church) Please visit our website for latest information about the school and community activities and any minor adjustments to times. I very much look forward to another wonderful year at Sandringham and to working closely with all members of our local community to further improve the lives of people in this area. Alan Gray Headteacher 17 AUTUMN 2023
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