Autumn 2023
T he summer term involved numerous events as usual, including the annual 5-mile charity run around Marshalswick and Jersey Farm. It was a very warm day, but this did not deter everyone from making it around the course, some in very elaborate costumes, and raising a signi!cant amount of money for charity. Well done everyone. Our lovely Year 11 students held their prom at the school in July, and, as usual, arrived in a variety of exotic forms of transport. It was an amazing evening and enjoyed not just by the students, but also their parents who did not want to leave (this may have had something to do with the free wine on o"er!). We also planted a Liriodendron Tulipifera Tree to mark the Coronation of King Charles III in July, attended by members of the senior student team and the sustainability group, and the Mayor of St. Albans, Cllr Anthony Rowlands. The sustainability group also planted more tree saplings around the campus resulting in around 1,500 new trees over the past three years. We start the year with outstanding examination performances at A-level, BTec and GCSE. It was lovely to see students so happy with their results. Well done everyone and good luck in the future. Our Open Evening took place in July, and, this Autumn, we opened our doors for !ve open morning tours for prospective families. 16 Education news Sandringham School
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