Autumn 2023
15 AUTUMN 2023 H ere at Wild Little Builders, we love to help children to discover the ‘maker’ in them! We encourage kids to work with their hands, assess risk, to think creatively, to play, and to enjoy the process of making things. Their creations are always useful as objects of play, pieces of art to be admired, and, more importantly than the outcome, the kids have used and learned skills that will be useful in life! We set up earlier this year, with an idea that we hoped that parents in St Albans would get on board with! The idea of introducing real woodworking tools to 3-10 year olds is terrifying to some, but with the right tools, the right knowledge, these children have shown what they can do safely, whilst having great fun! We have lived in St. Albans for 20 years and have a local furniture business, but as an ex-Geography teacher in a local school, I was missing the contact with children and teaching! It has been great to get back into working within the local community. We have two main classes during the week in the Marshalswick Community Centre; one for 4-10 year olds, including children who are home-educated, and one on a Friday a!ernoon for 3-5 year olds. We are also starting a!er-school clubs and hope to o"er a Saturday morning session in the coming weeks. For more information see our website or our Instagram page: Catherine Petre, Wild Little Builders
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