Autumn 2023
D uring July and August, we welcomed hundreds of our younger customers registering for the Summer Reading Challenge. At the time of writing, 766 of you have registered and are reading your six books across the summer holidays. Well done to you all – and thank you for supporting your library and the Summer Reading Challenge. We also wanted to say a huge thank you to our wonderful volunteers who have made an incredible di!erence over the summer. We were lucky to be joined by twenty-six enthusiastic volunteers who worked together to register everyone, explain what was required, listen to the children talk about their books and give out medals, certi"cates and pencils. We are incredibly grateful to you for your time, support, #exibility and positivity – you have made a signi"cant di!erence and done an incredible job. If you are interested in volunteering at your local library, we have a range of opportunities: 1. My Voice Volunteers – 14 to 25 years old; we will actively seek your ideas on how we can improve our services for our young adult customers and how we can support your interests. 2. Events Volunteers – supporting us in delivering a range of activities, from co!ee mornings and LEGO club to Family and Local History events. 3. Shelving and Stock Support – helping with the running of our stock activities; shelving books, "nding books ordered by customers to generally maintain the tidiness of the library. If you are interested in volunteering or would like to know more, please visit our website. We have a range of exciting activities planned for the coming months, for children and adult customers alike, including a Poetry Evening, Quiz Night, Saturday Stories and Family Learning events. We hope to see you all soon. THANK YOU to our wonderful volunteers from Marshalswick Library
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