Jersey Farm Open Space

A beautiful, large open space which can be found to the south and east of the Woodland Park and divides House Lane from the Jersey Farm housing. It is bisected by Footpath 26 and boasts both an Adventure Playground and a ‘lagoon’, which is home to various wildfowl as well as sticklebacks, horned snails and other aquatic life. Whilst the Parish Council holds the lease for the adventure playground and the recreational facilities at the open space, the remainder of the land is the responsibility of St Albans District Council.  

In addition to the Adventure Playground, we have a half pipe skate ramp, two rugby posts and are currently awaiting the outcome of a planning submission to install a cycle pump track which we are hoping to have open for summer 2024. 

Jersey Farm Open Space is a popular destination for families, dog walkers and nature lovers and St Albans District Council have further plans to develop the site with further tree planting and wildflower seeding, creating areas to improve the biodiversity and provide a natural habitat for many species of wildlife including birds, bats and butterflies.


 Download a printable map of Jersey Farm Open Space